
I’m so pleased to be able to wish you a Happy New Year and give you a little update on your adopted orangutan.

I recently spent two weeks at our BORA rescue and rehabilitation centre in East Kalimantan. The purpose of my visit was to spend time with the staff and share my orangutan experience and knowledge with them regarding orangutan behaviour, enrichment, nutrition, welfare, and training for release into the wild

I was so impressed with the dedication and commitment of the staff in preparing these orangutans for release. It is thanks to your generous support that these precious orphaned orangutans have a second chance at returning to their true jungle home.

Meanwhile, over in Sumatra, Sudin is doing well and continues to love his Jungle School outings. He spends a lot of his time playing when out in the jungle, especially with his sidekick Siti. Sudin also socialises with other young orangutans including Jelly Bean, Vanilla and Rosi however he is scared of the older males that sometimes venture close to the release area. He is becoming more independent and has started building nests- however he definitely needs more practice to make a comfy bed! Sudin has also been trying new forest foods and has been eating a lot of tapus flowers and liana fruits.

Thank you so much for helping Sudin on his journey to forest freedom.

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